
80 % of medicines not covered by price control order-Page 2-Times Of India

Are pharma MNCs good for Indian consumers_ - NO _ Business Line

Book review Impoverishing the Poor

Business Line Opinion Clinical trials, or clinical errors

Business Line Too much faith in private healthcare

Business Line A muddled view of clinical trials

Business Line A way to evade drug price control

Business Line Ban drugs but do not suspend

Business Line Classic case of misplaced

Business Line Dangers of FDI in pharma

Business Line Drug pricing a bitter pill to swallow

Business Line Drug, healthcare prices are a rip-off

Business Line Opinion_A European pill best avoided

Business Line Opinion _ Loopholes in pharma pricing policy

Business Line Pharma industry gets away lightly

Business Line Right prescription for pharma

Business Line Should generic versions of Bayer

Business Line When clinical trials become dangerous

Choosing health over profit-The Hindu-2

Contact Patents article

Critique of New Drug Price Contorl Regime Yojana-April 2014- Anant Phadke, S. Srinivasan

Dec 2012 FDI in pharma, the wrong prescription

Drug price tug of war_ people vs others _ Business Line

EPW A_Stinging_Indictment

EPW DPCO 2013 Leaky Bucket, June 2013

EPW HLEG Medicines for all epw feb 2012

EPW HPV EPE june 2011

EPW HPV Vaccine

EPW medicines for all, June 2011

EPW Natco CL

EPW NPPP 2011 critique Jan 2012

EPW Pharma Price Control Policy Aug 2014

EPW Pharma Patents after 10 Years

EPW Pharma Policy 2012 and Its Discontents

EPW Why Paswan's price reduction is a let down

Everything you need to know about essential drugs

FDA's letter to Wockhardt is fair-Livemint

Health Action Sep 2009 Issue

IJME A network for rational drugs

IJME Draft National pharma Policy, price control and data exclusivity Concerns

IJME How TRIPS benefits Indian Industry

IJME Revised Drugs that find market Chinu, IJME

IJME Serial Maternal deaths

IJME Spurious drug gene and its pervasiveness

IJME Trained quacks an Indian drug tragedy

Info change Disease Mongering

Live Mint - FDA's letter to Wockhardt is fair- August 2, 2013


Market Based Mechanism of Drug Price Regulation Unpublished

Medicines for all some positive initiatives

Negotiating FDCs (Unpublished)

NMJI India's Patent Laws and the Multinational Pharma Industry

'No patent protection for Glivec', Supreme Court -The American Bazaar

Pharma security

Pharma Patents after 10 Years

Prescribing generic drugs, Pharma Biz

Pricing of Patented Drugs

The Maggi Order

The need to cut pharma super-profits _ Analysis _ Public health

The Practice Of Unethics

Who decides how much my Crocin will cost